
We're excited to announce that AI Sensei is a sponsor of the GoDan European Go Congress 2025 in Warsaw! This is the biggest Go event in Europe, bringing together players from all over the world for two weeks of tournaments, lectures, and social events.

If you're considering attending, now is a great time to register—there's an early bird discount available until March 31. The congress venue also offers discounted rooms in a very nice hotel while they last.

For full details and registration, visit

We are pleased to announce the official release of Challenge Mode. After a successful beta period, this feature is now accessible to all users, offering a new way to enhance your Go skills.

Challenge Mode

Challenge Mode presents a series of Go problems automatically generated from games played by consenting users. The problems adjust in difficulty based on your performance, providing a tailored training experience that evolves with your skill level.

Go ahead and try out the new Challenge Mode right now! You can reach it through the link on the left sidebar, or simply click here.

Enhanced Rating System

We updated the rating system so problems are more more accurately before they start affecting user ratings. If you had a rating already, it has been reset, so please enter your rank again.

We would greatly appreciate hearing your feedback on this new feature. Please share your thoughts through the feedback link on the sidebar (right below Preferences) or join the discussion on our Discord.

There’s some exciting news! - We've added some brand new features that will help you analyse your games, find your weaknesses, and improve your game even faster than before!

Performance Reports

You can now get a quick overview on your performance in any analyzed game. Just open the game, click the top-right menu and select "Performance Report" to see how you and your opponent played relative to your student level. You can even break it down by Early, Middle, and Late game to identify where to focus your practice.

Play from Any Position

We also just added a new feature that lets you continue any position in any of your analysed games against a Bot opponent. While analyzing any game, open the top-right menu and select "Play AI from this position". Choose your preferred bot strength and which side to play, then jump right in to see how things could have gone differently.

Challenge Mode

We're also launching a brand new training feature in beta: Challenge Mode! Test yourself against community-selected Go problems with our dynamic rating system that adjusts its difficulty based on your performance. Rate problems you've solved to help us maintain high-quality content for everyone. Try it out now: Challenge Mode

We hope you enjoy these new features! Feel free to let us know what you think, through the feedback link in the site menu, or on our Discord

Faster Analysis2024-06-19

We're pleased to announce that analysis got much faster, especially when using live analysis with Dan or Pro quality!

There are some additional improvements to the website:

  • There's a share button now to make it easier to send your games to your friends and opponents. It's even possible to link a specific move in your game.
  • The game sidebar got reworked a bit, with a toggle to disable the AI.
  • The preferences page got restructured and has more options. If you have ideas for things you would like to be configurable, feel free to reach out via the feedback button, Discord, or email to

We're happy to announce two brand new features for AI Sensei today:

Direct Uploads from Pandanet

We've rolled out a new feature allowing you to directly upload your Pandanet games to AI Sensei. If you're logged in with your Pandanet account, you can now upload games with a single click. Head over to the Upload game page, and press the "Load Games" button to see a list of all your recent games. A single click will now allow you to upload the game, and start analyzing!

Multiple Solutions for Training Mode

A frequent feature request has been to add multiple solutions to Training positions, so we're happy to announce this feature is finally here! By default, remembering any position will now add all moves that are "Good" or better. So no need to find that one perfect move anymore. Instead, we'll help you remember what really matters - Understanding and finding the right Direction of Play.

Exciting News! - After a successful Beta phase, we are now launching some new features on AI Sensei!

These features will mainly be focused on paid subscribers, but we are happy to announce that there will be public trial phase, planned until September 30st, during which these features will be entirely free, for everyone!

Try Ranked Mode

Here are the new features we are adding:

Improved Bots / Play vs AI

We want all Go players to have great AI opponents, no matter if 15 kyu or 5 dan, so we've been fine-tuning bots specifically for that. Our new and improved bots now play much more human-like, and avoid some of the more unnatural behaviours that bots tend to do. Try them out for yourself and see!

Ranked Mode

We've always wanted more features on AI Sensei that will make players see and feel the progress they are making in their journey of Go. Our first step on this path is that we are adding a brand new feature called "Ranked Mode". This mode will allow players to set a starting rank and then play against bots of constantly adjusted strength, as you progress through the ranks. As you win and lose matches, your opponents will be matched in strength. Besides your opponents, Komi and Handicap will also change game by game, to keep things fresh.

Expanded Custom Mode

We've added the new bots to Custom Mode as well, so even if you don't like the excitement of Ranked Mode, you are still free to play against any of the new or old bots that you want.

These new features are live now on the Play vs AI page

Even now, we are still always curious to hear what you think. Feel free to let us know if you've tried the new features and any feedback or thoughts you have on them! We want to keep expanding the site and keep offering more ways to enjoy and learn Go, so your feedback is appreciated a lot!

Today, we are very pleased to announce our new cooperation with Pandanet! Very soon, Pandanet users will be able to upload their games directly to AI Sensei after finishing. In addition, you can now log in to AI Sensei with your Pandanet account, too. The post-game upload process will be very smooth, with an “Analyze with AI” button appearing inside the GoPanda2 software right after the game is complete.

Pandanet will be rolling out this new feature to all GoPanda2 users over the course of the next few weeks. We are very excited to welcome these new users and have them as part of our growing community!

In addition, we also recently rolled out an update to game and Live analysis, making it more responsive and faster. Suggested moves are now shown much sooner in Live Mode, as the analysis is still running. This will allow for quicker analysis for your own variations, or for checking alternate moves. We hope you enjoy this improvement, and look forward to your feedback!

Play vs AI2022-01-27

You can now play against the AI!

Currently there's only one opponent, KataGo with 50 playouts, the same quality as our free reviews. But you will find it very strong already. As a 6d myself, I have a hard time playing against it with 3 stones!

After the game is finished, you can directly upload it to your normal game list and analyze it in depth.


After months of work, we're proud to finally release a brand new AI Sensei version.

These are the most important changes:

Go Board Changes

The board was completely reworked for a better user experience. The look of the next move and the AI alternatives should be more intuitive, and you can now just click on the board to explore variations. Live analysis is always on. Also, moves are now colored depending on how good they are:

AI Move, Good Move, Inaccuracy, Mistake, or Blunder.

The mistake threshold has been replaced by a "student level" slider for better guidance. The stronger the rank, the more moves are considered mistakes, just like before.

New "Discuss" Feature

You can now ask questions to the AI Sensei community whenever you wonder about something. Just go to the game position in question and enter your text in the "discuss" box.

Page Design

The AI Sensei website itself also looks quite differently now:

  • The navigation bar moved to the left to make space for the board.
  • The game bar got collapsed into a small menu in the top right.
  • There are now preview images on all game links.
  • The color scheme is less distracting.

If you need to, you can still find the old version under for a while. If you encounter any problems with the new version, remember to contact us via feedback button or email to

We're pleased to announce that our YouTube channel will now feature detailed game reviews of all Transatlantic Pro League matches. For example, have a look at this one:

You can find all TPL videos in this playlist. The TPL website also includes AI Sensei links to all games if you want to analyze for yourself!

In the second part of our "How to Get Strong At Go" series, Benjamin talks about the most important concept for judging why a move was big or small: follow-ups.

We believe this video might help the way you think about Go a lot. Even if you knew about this before, you should probably pay more attention to this concept. It will also help you understand your mistakes and AI Sensei's move suggestions better.

Enjoy watching!

Since many users reported issues with scrolling on the game page, it was now changed to a fixed layout where only the sidebar can scroll on desktop.

If you need a bigger board, you can make use of the full screen button on the very right of the top game bar.

AI Sensei officially sponsors the 1st Transatlantic Professional Go League which has just started. Here's a very exciting game from the first week-end:

The game is full of interesting fights. Pavol as white got an early lead by black 43, but it was even again after white 58 settled for a smaller ko than necessary. After the mistake of white 116, it was difficult for both sides to find the best moves in this fight. Black did manage to get a big lead eventually, but white managed to fight back with a ko up to 168. It stayed even again, until another ko on the right side emerged. White's threats of 208 and 214 didn't work out, as black managed to defend in sente up to 223. Although black missed several chances to expand his lead in - guess what - a ko, Remi managed to keep his lead and win his first match. Congratulations!

You can also check out the full game including AI reviews.

We just released some small but nice new features:

  • Live Analysis now has a Restrict Region button that will make KataGo search in the selected region only. This is very helpful if you want to analyze a position locally without looking at the rest of the board.
  • You can now customize the problem and solution texts for your Go problems. This is a feature a lot of users had requested, so we hope this improves your learning experience even more!
  • Live Analysis now also has territory prediction and stone emojis, like the normal analysis.
  • On the upload page, you can now just copy and paste links to your game file instead of first having to download it on your own.

Good news everyone! The new Live Analysis feature has been released!

Try opening a Trial Board yourself, or watch this video first:

AI Sensei offers quite a few keyboard shortcuts to make your study more efficient.

Recently, we added some more shortcuts. Check out the FAQ entry to get up to date. Also, when hovering a button, its shortcut will be shown in the tooltip.

We are very pleased to announce that AI Sensei now supports game files from various servers:

  • Tygem (.gib)
  • Wbaduk (.ngf)
  • Japanese Pandanet website (.ugf / .ugi).

It will also do a much better job dealing with Asian font encodings in all uploaded files.

If you play on one of these servers, please try it out :) If you happen to encounter any problems, please report them using the Feedback form.

A lot of users wished for a way to specify their own solutions for Training Mode instead of the AI moves. Now, you can use the Trial Board to do that, and, even better, to create your own problems altogether!

Check out this video for more details:

Please note that you can't use the Trial Board from within Training Mode to add/change problems. Instead, just jump to the game and you're good to go!

Are you curious how the new Training Mode works? Or do you already use it and would like to learn about advanced features like bulk add or selecting another solution move?

Then this video is just right for you!

Are you struggling to improve? Then our new video series on "How to Get Strong" might just be right for you! In the first video, Benjamin talks about a good mindset:

We hope that you enjoy this guide and that it helps you learn!