Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do with AI Sensei?

AI Sensei is a tool that analyzes Go games for you. Once you upload an SGF (or GIB, NGF, UGF, UGI) file, it gets analyzed with strong Go AI in our powerful cloud. Then, you can use our intuitive web board to learn about mistakes and how the AI would have played instead. All reviews are permanently stored, so you can study them again and again, or share them with anybody.

How does AI Sensei help me focus during study?

AI Sensei is a very efficient study tools, since it makes you focus on the things that matter most: Your mistakes. You can quickly go through the biggest mistakes to learn the gist from your game, and you can always come back for repetition or deeper analysis.

Do I need to install anything for AI Sensei?

No, we run everything in our cloud, so all you need to get started is an SGF file of the game you want to analyze.

Which Go AI do you use?

AI Sensei uses KataGo under the hood.

It is very, very strong. Even at the free quality the judgement is superhuman most of the time, although it might misread some positions. The paid versions don't have this problem, but even there might be (very rare) errors. So don’t just blindly believe anything - no matter if you are learning from AI Sensei, a human, or even a book!

What subscription plans are available?

There are four subscription levels that differ in analysis strength and length of the shown variations:

PlanPlayoutsVariation LengthSampleMonthly Price
Free50about 4 movesLinkFREE
Basic500about 10 movesLink  5.95 $  or  4.95 €
Dan2500about 15 movesLink11.95 $  or  9.95 €
Pro10000about 18 movesLink27.95 $ or 24.95 €

You can cancel anytime by choosing "Free" again. You will keep the plan until the end of the period.

Free is for occasional players or to try out AI Sensei. With 50 playouts, the AI should already beat many pro players in a game, but it might misread life & death situations sometimes. Its AI variations are about 4 moves long.

Basic gives you access to high quality reviews for a small price. Using 500 playouts, the AI has superhuman strength and will output variations that are about 10 moves long, depending on the position ...

Dan offers ambitious students a powerful analysis. Its 2500 playouts per move result in very precise and deep reading. The variations are about 15 moves on average, sometimes even longer.

Pro is intended for the most intensive Go training. Using 10000 playouts, it will give you variation lengths of about 18 moves on average.

The sample game links above show the same game analyzed with all levels, so you can compare the differences for yourself.

So which one should I take now?

When in doubt, just start with Basic. It's really good already. Then you can always upgrade if you need more.

Can I analyze as many games as I want?

Yes. While we may enforce some upload limits to prevent abuse, they won't affect any reasonable usage.

How long does it take to review my game?

It usually takes only a few minutes, even for high quality reviews. We can achieve this high speed by using up to 10 of the best available machines in parallel to review a single game.

Does it work on mobile?

Yes, you can just open the website in your browser, on any device. You can even add it to your home screen: If you use Google Chrome, there will be a "Download App" link in the navigation menu, but browsers like Firefox and Safari allow doing this by hand, too. After logging in, you can access all your reviews or upload new games. It’s really cool being able to analyze your tournament game right after it finished!

How can I share my reviews?

It's easiest to use the "Share" button in your game and send the link to your teachers, opponents, and friends. They can access the review without requiring an AI Sensei account.

Which keyboard shortcuts are available?

(On Mac, use the Command key instead of Ctrl)

Left or
Mouse wheel up over board
Go back one move
Right or
Mouse wheel down over board
Go forward one move
Ctrl+Shift+LeftGo to beginning of game/variation or
go to previous game in training
Ctrl+Shift+RightGo to end of game/variation or
go to next game in training
Shift+LeftGo to previous mistake or problem
Shift+RightGo to next mistake or problem
Shift+UpCycle to previous variation
Shift+DownCycle to next variation
A-ZSelect variation A-Z
.Toggle add / remove problem
Shift+QLeave variation / trial board / quiz
Shift+PToggle use points / percent
Shift+TCycle territory prediction
Shift+VToggle show all AI variations
Shift+BList only black mistakes
Shift+WList only white mistakes
Shift+AList all mistakes
Shift+ZStart quiz
Shift+HShow problem hint
Shift+SShow problem solution
Shift+RRestart quiz
DeleteDelete trial board variation

Who is behind AI Sensei?

AI Sensei is developed by Benjamin Teuber, Erik Ouchterlony, Max Dohme, and Vitali Henne.

Where can I give feedback about this website?

We are looking forward to hearing from you, be it for praise, critique, ideas, or bug reports. You can either use the "Give Feedback" button in the site navigation bar or write an email to

Can you sponsor my Go tournament / stream / other event?

Yes, we're happy to give away free voucher codes and offer reduced subscription rates if you help promoting AI Sensei in exchange. Feel free to contact us at